Students Welfare Committee, MAKAUT,WB
Notice for Principals/Directors of the affiliated Colleges/Institutes regarding SWC
Letter from Registrar
Letter from Registrar regarding Semester fees waive
First list of cases of fee waiver sanctioned by SWC, WBUT
Second list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Third list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Fourth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Fourth (A) list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Fifth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Sixth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Seventh list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Eighth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Ninth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Tenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Eleventh list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Twelvth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Thirteenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Fourteenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Fifteenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Sixteenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Seventeenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver
Eighteenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Nineteenth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twentieth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twentieth(c) list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twenty-first list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twenty-Second list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twenty-Third list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twenty-Fourth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twenty-Fifth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Twenty-Sixth list of students sanctioned for fee waiver

Student Welfare Contact mail Id : swc AT wbut . ac .in